Business & digital operations.

Learn business operations and master your digital transformation through our trainings!
4 to 8 weeks of coaching with one of our 1000+ trainers, who are the best experts working in the most innovative companies!

A 100% personalized approach adapted to your needs to give you the means to achieve your goals.

📧 Searching for informations about ourtop trainings in 2024 ?

Built and enriched over the past 4 years, this list gathers all the skills to acquire to adapt one’s training plan this year, on all topics related to Tech, Data, IA, and innovation in the broadest sense.

Our top formations in Tech, Data & IA

Our very best trainers on these thematics, coming from our community of over +1000 experts

The detailed pedagogical program of each training, 100% adaptable during the design call.

Our Expertise.

Whether you are an operational or a manager, an entrepreneur or an executive, our trainers will be able to train you on all these topics:

Business & digital operations

1. Digital transformation & business efficiency

Optimize operational efficiency, internal resources, define and analyze the company’s short and long term objectives.

Concerned professions : Digital Transformation Director, Head of Operations…

2. Customer care & services

Optimize customer satisfaction and customer relationship by building a sustainable relationship through digital communication channels: social networks, customer support platform etc.

Concerned professions : Customer Success Manager, Head of Operations…

3. Revenue management & pricing

Define the pricing strategy, costs and profitability of a product or service, using digital analysis and prediction tools.

Concerned professions : Chief Revenue Officer, Head of Operations, Revenue Manager…

4. Finance process automation

Automate the capture, management, analysis of financial and accounting data and processes of the company.

Concerned professions : Chief Financial Officer, Head of Operations, Operations manager, Chief of staff…

5. Digital HR management

Manage from A to Z the employee’s relationship with the company via digital optimization tools: sourcing, recruitment, integration, HR follow-up, learning, payroll, QWL, etc.

Concerned professions :  Head of People, Head of Talent, Head of Operations, Chief Executive Officier, Directeur des Ressources Humaines…

6. Community building & engagement

Create a community of customers, partners or service providers to develop the brand, build loyalty and support growth.

Concerned professions : Head of Community, Head of Partnerships, Partnerships Manager Chief Marketing Officer…

7. Digital asset management & product information

Centrally manage content, assets and product information, optimize publication, updating and distribution processes, and facilitate access to resources.

Concerned professions : Digital Asset Manager, Product Information Manager, Learning Manager…

8. Industry 4.0 & supply chain optimization

Create a production process that dynamically adapts to demands, configure workflows, use the Internet of Industrial Things (IIoT) and networks to integrate all machines, partners and collaborators.

Concerned professions : CTO, Supply Chain Manager, Logistic consultant…

9. CSR strategy & sustainable development

Learn the fundamentals of management and law, respect the regulatory framework to ensure compliance, define the steps of its CSR approach and integrate it into the company’s strategy.

Concerned professions : CSR Manager, Directeur RSE…

Our trainers.

Our trainers represent the leading edge of expertise in Product Management & UX / UI Design. Train with them tomorrow!

Xavier Molinie


Hippolyte Martin

Senior Business Operations

Louis Vannereau

B2B Process Owner

Camille Léage

Head of community
Me former avec ces experts

Choose the format that suits you:

Training Duo

An individual path between 4 and 6 weeks

Training Team

A collective path from 3 to 10 people

Training Talks

Inspiring and impactful conferences

Ready to develop your
skills with us ?

Whether you want to learn more about our training
programs, ask specific questions, or express your upskilling needs, we’re here to assist you!

Benoit de La Porte
On train’s CEO

Qualiopi-certified process for training actions.

We meet Qualiopi requirements, which allows you to have your training funded by your OPCOs.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your funding!

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