Training Duo.
The methods and expertise of leaders in the digital & tech environment. For you, only for you.

1 month
of training, 6 hours of private lessons

personalized and online

1 trainer
dedicated to your path

session on average
📧 Searching for informations about ourtop trainings in 2024 ?
Built and enriched over the past 4 years, this list gathers all the skills to acquire to adapt one’s training plan this year, on all topics related to Tech, Data, IA, and innovation in the broadest sense.
Our top formations in Tech, Data & IA
Our very best trainers on these thematics, coming from our community of over +1000 experts
The detailed pedagogical program of each training, 100% adaptable during the design call.
1 – Describe your need for skills development.
Answer a questionnaire to specify your expectations.
We will then suggest the most suitable trainer within our community!

2 – Discover the profile of your trainer.
Selected for you, according to your stakes, your expectations and your sector, we propose you the most adapted trainer of our community, leader of its discipline on the market.

3 – Plan your sessions in one click.
Enter your availability directly on the On train platform dedicated to your training, and automatically receive your invitations to connect.

4 – Connect to your training.
Find your trainer! A privileged moment of exchange to get activable advice, ask all your questions and learn from the best, all 100% online.

5 – Continue learning.
After each session, continue the learning on your space: recordings, resources, articles, synthesis… everything that is evoked by your trainer, and everything that you need!

Our Expertise.
We help you decipher the most sought-after disciplines in technology marketing and sales, with a strong hard skills dimension.
Our trainers.
Coming from the best tech groups, they are leaders in their disciplines and innovate on a daily basis.
We work with them to pass on the essence of their knowledge to you. Some of their profiles:

Francis Lelong
Serial Entrepreneur

Anne-Carole Coen
Chief Marketing Officer

Ethan Pierse

Kim Tran
VP Marketing & Business Development

Ready to develop your
skills with us ?

Whether you want to learn more about our training
programs, ask specific questions, or express your upskilling needs, we’re here to assist you!
Benoit de La Porte
On train’s CEO

Qualiopi-certified process for training actions.
We meet Qualiopi requirements, which allows you to have your training funded by your OPCOs.
Don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your funding!
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