Sustainable Business Transition.

Understand the principles and practices of sustainability and incorporate them concretely into your daily work
to align your business with the main challenge of our generation.
4 to 8 weeks of guidance with one of our 1000+ trainers, who are the top experts still active
in the most innovative companies.

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📧 Searching for informations about ourtop trainings in 2024 ?

Built and enriched over the past 4 years, this list gathers all the skills to acquire to adapt one's training plan this year, on all topics related to Tech, Data, IA, and innovation in the broadest sense.

Our top formations in Tech, Data & IA

Our very best trainers on these thematics, coming from our community of over +1000 experts

The detailed pedagogical program of each training, 100% adaptable during the design call.

Our Expertise.

Whether you are an operational or a manager, an entrepreneur or an executive, our trainers will be able to train you on all these topics:

Sustainable Business Transition

1. Sustainability Strategy Development

Raising awareness of environmental and social challenges, integrating sustainability into strategic decision-making, developing sustainable business models and promoting innovation in sustainability.

Concerned professions : Director of Sustainability, Sustainable Development Manager, Sustainability Analyst, Environmental Management Expert, Regulatory Compliance Manager...

2. Environmental Impact Assessment

Develop in-house expertise in environmental impact assessment to ensure compliance with environmental regulations and standards, learn about impact analysis methods, tools and frameworks.

Concerned professions : Environmental Impact Assessor, Environmental Impact Consultant, Environmental Analyst, Sustainability Specialist, Environmental Manager, Environmental Engineer, Environmental Compliance Manager, Environmental Planner, Ecology Expert, Environmental Project Coordinator...

3. Sustainable Supply Chain and Procurement

Improving procurement and supply chain management practices to reduce environmental impact, and enhancing the sustainability skills of purchasing and supply chain teams. Implement sustainable procurement policies by optimising logistics flows and minimising waste production.

Concerned professions : Purchasing and supply chain teams...

4. Sustainable Marketing and Communications

Developing a sustainable strategy for the Marketing and Communications teams, in particular by implementing frugal advertising, using sustainable communications media and employing responsible technologies.

Concerned professions : Marketing, Communication, Acquisition and Social teams...

5. Green technology

Implement a responsible digital approach in the development of digital products.

Concerned professions : Chief Technology Officer, Head of IT, Chief Data Officer, IT Manager, Data Architect, Cloud Engineer…

6. Sustainable Finance

Encourage the integration of ESG criteria into financial decisions, establish harmonised standards and reporting frameworks to assess ESG performance and develop a green taxonomy to classify sustainable economic activities.

Concerned professions : Finance and Legal teams...

Our trainers.

Our trainers represent the leading edge of expertise in Tech & web development. Train with them tomorrow!

Célia Poncelin


Adrien Suarez

Green and Data

Guillaume Grimbert

Ex - Google / Co-Founder & CEO

Tristan Nitot

Ex - Sustainability Lead

Choose the format that suits you:

Training Duo

An individual path between 4 and 6 weeks

Training Team

A collective path from 3 to 10 people

Skills assessment

Assessing your talents' skills

Training Talk & Learning Event

Inspiring and impactful conferences

Ready to develop your
skills with us ?

Whether you want to learn more about our training
programs, ask specific questions, or express your upskilling needs, we’re here to assist you!

Benoit de La Porte
On train's CEO

Qualiopi-certified process for training actions.

We meet Qualiopi requirements, which allows you to have your training funded by your OPCOs.
Don't hesitate to contact us if you have any questions about your funding!

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