Sales Testing and Personnalization
According to Benoit

How to optimise the performance of different campaigns?
What is a personalisation scenario?
How to optimise the performance of different campaigns?
“Should I use this email subject line instead? Should I use a friendly or a strong tone?” There are many questions that arise before making initial contact with a prospect. It is up to the sales manager to make these choices, which will have a direct impact on the performance of the campaign. So how do you know what works best?
The answer? A/B testing. This technique consists of testing several variants of the same message, which differ in a few criteria. As the name suggests, this test is carried out by creating an A message and a B message, then sending them to a random sample of prospects corresponding to your target. For example, you can insert a clickable link in several places in the text, or keep the body of the text the same by simply changing the subject of the email
A/B testing can be done with an infinite number of versions of the same email, as long as a significant volume for each version is maintained. You can then compare their performance, , using KPIs such as open rate and response rate for the mailing, to determine which of these messages was the most effective.
Tips from Benoît:
- Test different messages at equal volumes
- Test the same message on different targets (market segments, personas) to find the right combinations
What is a personalisation scenario?
In the CRO (Conversion Rate Optimization) process, testing is also accompanied by personalization in order to optimize the conversion rate. Once an optimal sales campaign has been identified through testing, it is necessary to define different scenarios to be applied according to the testing results obtained:
It is often necessary to analyse the overall results of your campaigns by segmenting your audience, potentially leading to different personalisation scenarios for each audience segment.
In addition, keep a record of each test in a book, even when the test is not conclusive, in order to follow good practices and those to avoid. Finally, use the lessons learned from each test to update the test and development roadmaps.

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